Shares Packman Packaging India’s Top Packaging Manufacturer for Cosmetic Brands

There are countless cosmetic companies around the country. Pick up any cosmetic product, and you’ll notice it lists all the product details; this is because the FDA requires companies to clearly display product information to consumers. If you are a local cosmetic startup, be sure to know these five mistakes to avoid when designing cosmetic labels as shared by Packman Packaging Pvt Ltd India’s top packaging company for cosmetic brands.

What are those 5 mistakes that need to be avoided?

Below is given the 5 things that you need to avoid while designing packaging labels for cosmetic products:

Poor Fonts

Choosing the appropriate typeface for product packaging display is a crucial aspect that goes beyond mere aesthetics. It requires careful consideration as it impacts both consumer attention and product information accuracy.

Moreover, compliance with federal regulations is a paramount concern, especially for cosmetic packaging. Clear and easily readable fonts are mandated to include essential details such as the product name, relevant information for consumers, safety instructions, and manufacturing information. Striking the right balance between visual appeal and regulatory compliance is essential to create packaging that not only catches the eye but also provides vital information to consumers in a user-friendly manner.

Forgetting Consumer Safety Info

Prioritize consumer safety by providing vital information on all cosmetic products. This includes ingredient lists, directions for use, safe storage techniques, and expiration or sell-by dates. Note that not all cosmetics expire, but those with organic ingredients may spoil over time.

To ensure clarity, list the main ingredients first in the ingredient list, followed by additives like dyes and artificial scents. Additionally, display directions and storage information prominently, guiding users on safe long-term product usage.

Forgoing Manufacturing Information

Ensuring consumer safety is of paramount importance for all cosmetic products. This includes providing comprehensive safety information on the packaging to empower customers to make informed decisions.

The consumer safety information should encompass a detailed ingredient list, with a focus on listing the main ingredients first. The ingredients should be ranked in descending order, starting from the highest to the lowest concentration, encompassing all additives like dyes and artificial scents.

In addition to ingredient details, clear and concise directions on how to use the product should be included. This helps consumers understand the proper application and usage of the cosmetic item effectively.

Equally important is providing guidance on safe storage techniques to ensure the longevity and quality of the product. Some cosmetics, particularly those containing organic ingredients, may have limited shelf lives and could spoil over time.

Lastly, it’s crucial to incorporate expiration or sell-by dates on the packaging. While not all cosmetics have a definitive expiration date, this information helps customers gauge the freshness and efficacy of the product.

By diligently including consumer safety information, cosmetic companies demonstrate their commitment to the well-being of their customers and foster trust in their products. Additionally, well-informed consumers are better equipped to make choices that align with their preferences and needs, enhancing overall satisfaction with the cosmetic brand.


Avoid misbranding cosmetic products under federal regulations, overseen by the FDA, to ensure consumer safety and manufacturer accountability. A major mistake to steer clear of is including an ingredient in the product name, potentially confusing consumers. Safely list specific ingredients separately from the product name and include them in the overall ingredients list to maintain transparency and accuracy.

Forgetting net weight

Bold the net weight of the product as per FDA requirements, ensuring accurate information for consumers. Place it near the bottom third of the principal display panel. For premium cosmetic product packaging labels, trust Packman Packaging. Choose from a variety of labels for jars, bottles, tubes, and tubs, offering a high-end look and optional safety seals. Contact us now to explore our selection or get a custom cosmetic product label tailored to your needs.